Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Has the Real Estate Collapse Damaged Your Nest Egg?

Are You Looking for a Safe Place to Invest Your Money and Earn Income Today While Still Building a Growing

“Cash Out” Option?

Then Discover How To Build Your Financial Fortress in Apartment Investing Today with…

Click Here!

Peter Harris, Co-author of Best-Selling
“Commercial Real Estate Investing for Dummies”

…and Co-author of Trump University’s
“Three Master Secrets of Real Estate Success”


Warning: Do NOT Rely On the Government, Pension Plans, or Even 401k’s to Support You In Today’s Economy
  • Social Security is Already Going Broke and More than 50 Million Baby Boomers Have Yet To Retire
  • Most Private and Even Many State Pension Plans Are Dramatically Under-Funded
  • The Average 401k Generated Almost NO GROWTH During the Entire 2000-2009 Decade

Bottom Line: Time is Running Out…

You aren’t getting any younger. Bills still need to be paid, retirement is another
 day closer, and you just can’t afford to sit on the fence forever.
Bottom line: You simply cannot count on things like Social Security, pensions, 
or even 401k plans to build your nest egg for retirement. If you don’t figure out 
a way to maximize your investments today then your entire future—including 
retirement—is in serious jeopardy.

The simple truth is that your original investment and retirement plans may not
have worked out as planned. But instead of just “sitting on the fence” and sulking
about how your original plans didn’t work out as planned…

It’s Time to Get Serious About Your “Backup Plan”…

If your first investment plans didn’t pan out—do NOT make the mistake of letting fear get the best of you and decide NOT to invest in 
anything. You MUST make your money work for you as hard as possible to stay ahead in this world so you need to find solid 
investments that will yield above-average results. Ideally, you want a solid mix of income plus long-term growth so you earn
 extra income today but be able to cash out when you’re ready to sit back and retire.

But What Do You Feel Safe Investing In These Days That Can Still Generate Solid Returns?

Let’s just take a look at some of our options:

   Real Estate: The effects of the Great Recession are still taking their toll in the real estate markets and millions of foreclosed 

homes are expected to add to the supply problem we already have—further driving prices down.
Many experts believe it could be 2-3 years—AT MINIMUM—before most markets start to recover. 
Until then and with prices still falling in many places—investing in vacation homes or “house flipping” opportunities
 will be risky at best.

   Stock Market: For the entire 2000-2009 decade, the stock market actually declined—the first time that’s happened since the 1930’s. 

 While great investment opportunities are out there—after 9/11 and the Fall of 2008—do you really want to get burned again 
and see $10,000’s or even $100,000’s evaporate almost overnight?

Sure, gold has been on a terror recently but there’s just two small problems: One, its been on a terror recently meaning

 its more likely to stabilize or even fall as the economy improves and people don’t need the safety gold offers. 
And two: Gold doesn’t generate income.

So what’s left—government t-bills or bonds that don’t even generate enough interest to keep pace with inflation?

In Today’s Economy and For the Foreseeable Future, the Surest Way To Create a Revenue-Generating Financial Fortress is
 Through Apartment Investing

Introducing Creating a Financial Fortress by World-Renown Real Estate Investment Expert Peter Harris

 *This course image is for illustration purpose only. The entire course is downloadable. You will be given instant access to the
complete course upon payment.

Not Sure If You Really Need a Backup Plan?

Are You Worried About Losing Your Job?

Are You Afraid that Social Security Won’t Be Enough—Or Even Available—by the Time You Need It?

Do You Need Your Investments To Generate Income Today PLUS Build Value For a Big Payout When You Decide To Cash Out?

Do You Worry That Your Savings Won’t Be Enough To Support You In Retirement?

Looking for a Great Investment To Pass On To Your Kids While Still Earning Great Returns Today?

If You Answered “Yes” To Any of These Questions, Then:
YES—You Really NEED a “Backup Plan”!
Create Your Financial Fortress Starting Today By Investing in Apartments!

Apartment investments have consistently outperformed almost all other real estate products, including: Single family homes;
office buildings; shopping centers; vacation homes; and most land buys—for the past 10 YEARS

In fact, with most real estate markets not expected to fully recover from the current crisis for years—they will continue to outperform
 more traditional real estate investments for the foreseeable future

None of these other investment options even come close to providing the same level of reliable returns on investment, opportunities 
for growth, or protected cash flow as apartment investing

So what drives the demand for apartments today and into the foreseeable future?

First and foremost: Statistics.

It’s a well-documented fact the echo-boomers (those aged 18-34 and essentially the children of the baby-boomers) 
account for nearly one-third of the US population. What that means is that America is just now experiencing the
first ripple of this huge wave. Studies have forecasted that echo boomers will dramatically expand the need for
 housing units in the coming decade.

So what does this have to with apartment investing?

EVERYTHING—especially since the Great Recession has flattened wages, tightened credit, 
and made it harder than ever for this HUGE group of Echo-Boomers to buy a house.

At least for the next 5-10 years, the Echo boomers will primarily be renters creating a
 huge surge in demand for new apartments.

Another driving factor in the surge for apartment demand is the record number 
of foreclosures in the past two years. The vast majority of former homeowners 
who lose their homes due to foreclosure will re-enter the apartment
market—that’s millions of potential new renters Today, Tomorrow, 
and for the Foreseeable Future.

By 2020, more than 10 million ADDITIONAL Echo boomers will be
 renting apartments—so there will be no let up in demand for the next decade.

Without question, rising demand is one of the biggest advantages 
of apartment investing in 2010 and beyond…
Apartment Investing is the Obvious Investment Choice Due To Several Distinct Advantages, Including:

Historically Stable Demand: No other investment can stand up to the consistent and reliable demand for apartments—period. Plus, with millions of Echo boomers facing tight credit restrictions, flat wages and millions more losing their homes to foreclosure—the demand for apartments is projected to rise dramatically for the next decade.

Cash flow is king…that’s why it’s Peter’s passion and should be yours too

Upgrade to Economy of Scale: Would you rather have 10 homes to manage or a 10-unit apartment building?

Demand Increases During Tough Economic Times: Unlike new and existing home sales that tend to plunge in tough times, demand for apartments actually increases because fewer people have good credit or large sums of cash for down payments on homes. But in good and bad times—people still need a place to live making apartments one of the most “recession-proof” investments you can find.

Generates Cash-Flow AND Builds Long Term Net Worth: Apartments are one of the few investments around that both generate ongoing income PLUS build long term net worth! Plus, they are one of the few investments where you don’t have to “show up” every day to earn money each month (I kept my day job when I first started, and I recommend you do the same).

Don’t Sit Around Waiting Until Real Estate Prices Begin Climbing Again…

Get the Tools, Strategies, and Expert Advice From the World’s Leading Apartment Investing Expert You Need To Jump Into Apartment Investing and Start Building Your Very Own Financial Fortress

Click Here!

Peter Harris, co-author of Commercial Real Estate Investing for Dummies, and Trump University co-Instructor of Three Master 
Secrets of Real Estate Success, has created an incredibly in-depth and complete home study course that teaches you exactly, 
step-by-step, how to successfully invest in apartments and generate maximum income and return on your money! And unlike
 most apartment investing systems that you have to sit around for and wait to arrive in the mail--

Creating a Financial Fortress is available for IMMEDIATE DOWNLOAD so you can get started NOW!

And here’s the best part…

Creating a Financial Fortress Includes Peter’s Most Powerful and Effective Investment Strategies for Successful Apartment Investing
 Even When Funds Are Limited, Your Credit Rating is In the Dumps, and You Don’t Know the First Thing About Apartments

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

  • 3 Golden Rules of Apartment Investing “Number-Crunching”: Learn Peter’s personal rules for quickly and smartly 
  • evaluating apartments for investment potential
  • Peter’s Personal “Creative Financing Strategies”: These are Peter’s proven strategies for investing in apartments when 
  • you have little cash, poor credit rating, or want to leverage the cash you do have for maximum earnings potential.
  • Raising Private Money from Investors: Once you have used the 3 Golden Rules to find an attractive investment
  • opportunity, this section will help you raise money from private investors and structure the deals professionally. 
  • Forms included!
  • Choosing the Perfect City to Invest In: The criteria for selecting cities for apartment investing are the not the same 
  • as for residential or commercial real estate—but you’ll have no trouble finding the most profitable areas after this 
  • training module!
  • Understanding When to Buy and When to Sell: Timing is always important in real estate investing and 
  • Peter provides you with a simple yet effective guide for determining the best time to buy and sell your
  •  apartment properties.
  • Landing the “Cash Cow” Properties: In this training module, Peter shares how to spot, finance, and
  •  land the biggest “cash cow” properties that will bring in loads of income while still generating long term net worth.
  • The Secrets To Getting Credits or Cash Back at Closing
  • Learn “The Word” That Will Open a New World of Financing Options for You
  • Lender Approval Secrets: In this module, Peter will teach you how to first look at deals from the eyes 
  • of your lender and then use that knowledge to get them to say “Yes” for your financing requests
  • Includes 19 Audio Training Modules in All Plus 2 Information-Packed Workbooks

Get Instant Access to the Entire Creating a Financial Fortress Home Study Program Today

19 Professional Audio Courses Personally Recorded By Peter

Each training module focuses on a specific but critical component of successful apartment investing. This is NOT some watered-down “teaser” course designed to get you to buy something else later—EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SUCCESSFULLY INVEST IN APARTMENTS IS INCLUDED. Each audio course is downloadable to your computer and to your Ipod or MP3 player. Just click on “play” and listen in. That’s it. No CDs, DVDs, or heavy workbooks to mess with. And no waiting for mail packages.

95-Page Workbook:

The Creating a Financial Fortress program includes a 95-page downloadable workbook that you can follow along with each chapter’s because studies consistently prove that many people learn better and faster when they have written materials to study along with.

150-Page Treasure Trove of Contracts, Legal Forms, and Checklists:

This “file cabinet” or treasure trove of Peter’s favorite and most commonly used apartment investment contracts, forms, and due diligence checklists are all included—so you TRULY have everything you need to start investing immediately.

90 Days of FREE email Support:

YES—you will have a direct line to Peter himself for a FULL 90 DAYS—this is just like Peter coaching you one-on-one! You can typically expect responses within 1 business day.

Please Note:  To listen to the audio files, your computer will need an audio player (most computers have them already). To download the workbooks and software, you’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Word, and Excel”.

And To Help You Maximum Both Cash Flow and Long Term Net Worth You Will Also Receive These Additional Resources--

  • 7 Ways To Easily Increase Cash Flow and Value of Your Apartments
The special bonus audio includes some of Peter’s most closely guarded secrets for quickly and easily boosting short term cash flow and long term value on your apartment units. This incredible resource ABSOLUTELY FREE just for being one of the first 20 to order Creating a Financial Fortress this month.

  • Rehab Riches eBook
When first starting out, one of the best ways to secure apartment units is to look for “fixer-uppers” that need a little TLC and maybe a few major appliances! This bonus ebook reveals quick yet effective rehab secrets that help you boost both the short-term cash flow and long term value of your units—quickly, safely, and at minimal expense.

  • 4 Low Money Down Deal Techniques & Strategies You Can Do Today
    Learn from this 15-page article written by Peter in easy-to-understand “interview-style” format. You’ll learn how these 4 investors creatively financed 4 deals 4 different ways using one principle. These principles are what’s getting deals done TODAY.

  • TAC Sheet Apartment Investment Evaluator
    The TAC Sheet, a simplified and easy-to-use apartment-specific investment analysis spreadsheet, is one of the most useful tools you’ll ever find in evaluating your new apartment deals. Just enter in the income, the expenses, and the debt of the property, and the rest is done for you.

Get Instant Access to the Peter’s Entire Creating a Financial Fortress Program For the One-Time Price of Just $99

That’s Right—Just $99 For a 100% Proven System From the World’s Leading Apartment Investing Expert Guaranteed to Provide You With The Strategies, Tools, and Insider Secrets You Need to Purchase Your First Apartment In 90 Days or Less

You’ll Also Learn:
  • Peter’s Personal Negotiating Strategies

  • 7 Critical Due Diligence Tips That Will Save You Thousands
  • Critical Tips for Hiring and Managing Property Managers
  • Learn the Biggest Reason Why Apartment Investments Fail and What You Can Do to Avoid the Same Fate
  • How to Leverage the Master Lease Option and Close on An Apartment In As Little As 7 Days With Almost No Cash
  • Learn to Make Offers That Get Accepted
  • Discover Peter’s Personal 90-Day Action Plan That Helps You Buy Your First Apartment in 3 Months or Less—From Start to Finish
  • How To Protect Yourself Against Lawsuits
  • And Much, Much More

And Not Only Do You Get this 100% Complete Apartment Investing System from One of the World’s Leading Experts…

You Can Use It For a Full 60 Days Without Risking a Dime of Your Hard-Earned Money

 60-Day “Love It Or Give Me My Refund” Money Back Guarantee

You have a full 2 months—or 60 days—to listen, study, and try the entire Creating a Financial Fortress to answer just one question: Do you love it and understand how it can truly help you attain the financial freedom and independence you want and deserve? Yes—great! Then you are well on your way to leveraging the growing demand of apartments to secure lasting, true financial freedom.

If not, then contact me within 60 days and I’ll issue a full, no-questions refund. No return authorization numbers. No rude customer service reps.

Be One of the First 20 To Order Creating a Financial Fortress This Month and You’ll Also Receive a Bonus Worth More Than the Cost of the Entire Program...

30-Minute One-on-One Phone Consult With Peter: ($250 Value)

After you fully complete your training, Peter will schedule a 30-minute One-on-One private phone consult with you—ABSOLUTELY FREE—to help review your plans and help you get started securing your first property! No book or training program on the planet can compare with live One-On-One dialogue but due to time constraints—only the first 20 who ACT NOW and order Creating a Financial Fortress each month will receive this amazing bonus 

Start Building Your Financial Fortress Today...

Click Here!

We've taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent this program and its potential to help you. However, we do not purport this as a "get rich scheme" and by law we cannot guarantee that you will achieve any results or earn any money from this program. Your level of success in attaining results is dependent upon a number of factors including your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, business focus, business goals, partners, and financial situation. Because these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success, income level, results, or ability to earn revenue. You alone are responsible for your actions and results in life and business. This program is for educational use only and we make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, or completeness of its contents. Any forward-looking statements outlined in our promotions are simply our opinions, estimates, expectations or forecasts for future potential, and thus are not guarantees or promises for actual performance. As required by law, we can make no guarantees that you will achieve any results from our ideas or models presented during the program and we do not offer professional, legal or financial advice. Our only guarantee is that you'll be satisfied with the quality of the program. If you are not satisfied you can have a full refund via a 60-day money back guarantee. Under no circumstances will the creators of or experts represented in this program be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material. We are not responsible for your actions or the information or actions of any third party that may be part of the contents or promotions of this program. By purchasing and participating in this program you agree to these statements and agree not to hold our company liable for your results or actions. You also agree to let us know if you are unhappy with the program so that we can address your concerns or refund your purchase.


1 comment:

  1. http://166921zgo4itiudvrdp82h3rkw.hop.clickbank.net/

    * 3 Golden Rules of Apartment Investing “Number-Crunching”: Learn Peter’s personal rules for quickly and smartly
    * evaluating apartments for investment potential

    * Peter’s Personal “Creative Financing Strategies”: These are Peter’s proven strategies for investing in apartments when
    * you have little cash, poor credit rating, or want to leverage the cash you do have for maximum earnings potential.

    * Raising Private Money from Investors: Once you have used the 3 Golden Rules to find an attractive investment
    * opportunity, this section will help you raise money from private investors and structure the deals professionally.
    * Forms included!

    * Choosing the Perfect City to Invest In: The criteria for selecting cities for apartment investing are the not the same
    * as for residential or commercial real estate—but you’ll have no trouble finding the most profitable areas after this
    * training module!

    * Understanding When to Buy and When to Sell: Timing is always important in real estate investing and
    * Peter provides you with a simple yet effective guide for determining the best time to buy and sell your
    * apartment properties.

    * Landing the “Cash Cow” Properties: In this training module, Peter shares how to spot, finance, and
    * land the biggest “cash cow” properties that will bring in loads of income while still generating long term net worth.

    * The Secrets To Getting Credits or Cash Back at Closing

    * Learn “The Word” That Will Open a New World of Financing Options for You

    * Lender Approval Secrets: In this module, Peter will teach you how to first look at deals from the eyes
    * of your lender and then use that knowledge to get them to say “Yes” for your financing requests
